The New School of Biblical Theology
The New School of Biblical Theology (NSBT) is a visionary learning environment that prepares men and women for the ministry challenges of the first quarter of the 21st century, especially in view of the cultural diversities in both North America and the entire globe.
If you are looking for a dynamic learning environment that will support and guide the next generation of men and women who will represent an authentic, biblical, culturally focused Christianity led by those whom God has called to be innovative, resourceful, and even unconventional influencers among each and every culture to whom and for whom they are being raised up, NSBT is such a seminary.
More than ever, an overall understanding of the Bible, along with the effective capacity to interpret it, and to minister within the diverse cultures of contemporary cultures, is vital. NSBT’s mission is to foster within its graduates growth in the Spirit while preparing them to answer Christ’s call to ministry and mission in the world today.
The heart of NSBT’s vision is to respond to the overwhelming need of leaders who are biblically trained to influence culture by navigating the nexus of Christian FAITH & CULTURE.
Watch the Introductory Video

Learning at New School of Biblical Theology (NSBT) is entirely online. While there may be occasional opportunities for gathering in conferences, intensive workshops, special pastoral training events, and eventually graduation exercises, the main forms of teaching and learning, as well as the supplementary work of student services and support, are conducted online. Online learning embraces a variety of methods including discussion boards, videos, and teleconferencing. Students in NSBT can expect to engage in all of these resources.
Online learning is student-centered. Students are active participants in the process of gathering information and constructing new knowledge out of it. They are not simply passive recipients of ideas being passed down from a single teacher. Learning is collaborative and interactive.
Students will learn from each other as well as from the content of the various courses. NSBT’s format also requires students to draw upon their own experience, background, and culture as they relate this knowledge to their various and often distinct contexts. Each instructor in the online classes serves more as “a guide by the side” than “the sage on the stage.” The NSBT learning environment and philosophy offers the students an opportunity to take ownership for their learning as well as to explore the various ways they will be able to impact and influence others within their own context of ministry.
Naturally, one of the primary requirements for online learning is that students have access to a reliable computer with an 80 GB hard drive or higher, 2 GB RAM or higher, and dependable Wi-Fi connections. A cell phone or tablet is typically not sufficient. The computer will need to have both audio and video capacities so that students can listen and watch online. Students generally use Microsoft Word for written work but also need to be ready to read and in some cases to create Adobe PDF files. Upon enrollment students will be given an NSBT email address and granted access to the NSBT Learning Management System (LMS), which is the online campus, as well as to the Digital Theological Library (DTL).
Academic Excellence
Sample Course
Degrees Offered
Digital Theological Library
Online Learning
New School of Biblical Theology (NSBT) is a graduate school of theological education preparing persons for Christian ministry in a global, culturally diverse context. As part of its wider educational mission, NSBT also admits candidates not wishing to pursue a graduate degree into its learning programs.
Candidates seeking to enroll in a program leading to a graduate degree are expected to possess an accredited, undergraduate degree (BA or BS) or its equivalent. A limited number of students who do not possess an earned undergraduate degree or its equivalent may be considered on an annual basis. If you believe yourself to be a potential candidate, please request further information from the Director of Admissions and Vocation by contacting him at
View Pre-recorded Informational here:

Current Students
Once you as an applicant have been notified of your acceptance and have informed the Registrar of your intention to enroll, you will be contacted by the Director of Information Literacy with instructions about how to access the NSBT online learning system, and how to contact your Academic Advisor. Through the online instructions you receive you will be able to access several introductory tutorials to guide you through the basics of the online learning system. The Director of Information Literacy will also be available by email to help you with questions. During the two weeks prior to beginning your first academic Session, you should plan to have completed the tutorials, and should be in contact with your assigned Academic Advisor by email to set up a Zoom session wherein the Advisor will discuss your educational goals and select your initial courses.
As a student, you must register for all classes that they intend to take each academic Session in order to be enrolled. You may register for classes for subsequent Sessions up to one year in advance, with the option of changing your registration at a later date if necessary (see Add/Drop and Withdraw below).
Registration for classes opens online two weeks prior to each session and continues until the second week of the Session. Thereafter a student can only Withdraw from a particular class with tuition refunds calculated on the number of weeks left in a Session. After completing your registration with the Registrar, you will be charged the cost of tuition by the Business Office, which is responsible for collecting all payments.
As a student, you may change your registration during the first two weeks of each Session by filling out an Add/Drop form (found online in Student Resources) and filing it electronically by email with the Registrar. After two weeks, students may Withdraw from a class but not Add any further classes that Session. Students who Withdraw will receive a pro-rated refund in tuition that is based upon the number of weeks left in the Session. Students who Withdraw from a class after the second week of a Session will receive a W as a grade on their transcripts.
In order to receive any refund in tuition, students must contact the Registrar by email informing that office of their intention to Withdraw from the course. Simply telling the instructor of a particular class that one intends to Withdraw will not constitute a formal Withdrawal. Refunds will be calculated from the date that the Registrar receives the email
Students with an outstanding balance due are not permitted to register for any further Sessions without approval of the Business Office. All student obligations must be met in order for a candidate to graduate.
Matriculated students, once they begin classes, are expected to continue to enroll in subsequent Sessions through the Academic Year until completing their course of study and earning their degree. Students may opt to take one or two Sessions off each Academic Year without losing their status as continuously enrolled matriculated candidates. Students who must take more than two successive Sessions in any given Academic Year are asked to complete a Leave of Absence form with the Registrar, allowing them to return in good standing at a later date. Students who fail to continuously register each year and who do not apply for a Leave of Absence will be considered to have Withdrawn from their program and will be required to contact the Dean for permission to continue their studies if they wish to return to NSBT at a later date.
The Master of Arts degree requires a minimum of two years for completion. The degree must be completed within five years of initial enrollment unless a student has formally applied for a Leave of Absence. A Leave of Absence will suspend the maximum time by three more years, after which a student must reapply for admission. Exceptions to this time frame can be made only by the Academic Dean, upon petition in writing.
Student Login
Student Handbook
Online Chapel/Worship
Calendar, Schedules & Forms
Online Prayers
Thank you for considering a gift to The New School of Biblical Theology! Your support helps enable the training of global Christian leaders and the School’s vitality into the future. It is important to find a charitable plan which best provides for your family and supports NSBT. You can select the charitable options of the NSBT Scholarship Fund, the NSBT Development Fund, or the NSBT Endowment Fund. We encourage you to consult your attorney or tax counsel to determine the best way for you to give under current tax legislation. When you give to The New School of Biblical Theology, you help us make a difference.
Thank you!

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View Pre-recorded Informational Here
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Please note:
If you are looking for application forms,
go to Admissions:
If you are looking for a transcript form,
go to Current Students: